Processes Automation

Create workflows

Create workflows, customise and automate your HR processes to improve efficiency.
Processes Automation
Processes Automation

Advance electronic signature

Have digital control of all your company’s official documents. Save time in the management of documentation.

Automatic management of operational shifts

Automate the workday management process quickly and easily with the most advanced shift manager on the market. You will be able to assign work shifts in an equitable way and controlled by a bag of hours with their cost.
Processes Automation
Processes Automation
Workflows and certified notifications
Automate processes, assign and organise your employees’ tasks digitally by creating workflows.
Internal communication and project management
Know how much time each employee spends on each of your company’s projects. Keep track of all processes without having to manually update an excel sheet.
Processes Automation
Processes Automation

Intelligent management of housekeeping staff

Plan and distribute the workload of the cleaning team evenly.
Discover Nivimu with our experts!
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Processes Automation
Presentation of the software
Processes Automation
Advantages for your business
Processes Automation
Customisation to your needs

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