People Analytics

Make the best decisions with the most reliable data

Identify and empower your company’s best employees based on scientific data. Optimise the management of employees and new talent with Big Data tools. Imagine if it were possible to obtain in one click the cost per hour worked of a specific position, with Nivimu it is possible.
People Analytics

All information in one place

You will have data on hiring, salary, employee performance, productivity, sick leave… Forget about having all this data in different files and start managing all the information from a single portal. Easier, more accessible and much more useful.
People Analytics
People Analytics

Real Data for a top company

Obtain quality data and transform it with Nivimu into Business Intelligence. We generate customised reports so that you can make the best decisions for your company.

Understand the data from the beginning

Understand the data from the beginning. Nivimu provides you with detailed reports to identify the most relevant information and help you make cost-saving decisions.
People Analytics
People Analytics

Generate opportunities for your employees

Discover the needs of your workforce and generate opportunities for your employees to grow in your company. You will obtain data on their training, shortcomings and needs that will allow you to manage them more proactively.

Share information with other departments

Understand the data from the beginning. Nivimu provides you with detailed reports to identify the most relevant information and help you make cost-saving decisions.
People Analytics

Discover Nivimu with our experts!

In just 30 minutes, we will guide you through our solution and resolve any questions you may have along the way.
People Analytics
Presentation of the software
People Analytics
Advantages for your business
People Analytics
Customisation to your needs

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